what is The Mystic Apple Shop?

Welcome all to my beloved shop. My Name is Ana K. Gomez-Salazar or just Ana. I am the creator of The Mystic Apple Shop. And I’m here to tell you a little a bit about my shop. My goal is to sell cute art to my customer’s that might perk their interest from selling sticker’s, pins, sticky notes, etc. why did I decide to make this shop. Well, tell the truth. I was having trouble on what kind of career of was planning. When i graduate High School. I honestly, didn’t know what to do with myself in the very beginning. Back when i was young i used to like drawing.but, stop when time have past. But, Now is seems my love for art was ignited once more. And this time I’ve plan draw more and more in the future.

Contact us

Having trouble. Don’t hesitate to contact The Big Apple. My Shop is not about selling is also to connect with customer’s that will help us grow together.